Essential Fatty Acids (EPA & DHA)



The Essential Fatty Acids come fromAntarctic Krill Oil (Euphausia superba) is a natural source of high concentration omega 3 oil, the powerful antioxidant astaxanthin, as well as high levels of phospholipids – a fundamental component of human cell membranes. It contains two types of Omega 3 fatty acid: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

Krill oil is used for the same reasons as cod liver oil, flax oil and other omega 3 fatty acids, but is often favoured because it does not cause fishy burps or an after-taste – a common side effect of fish oil.

The fact that it contains astaxanthin is also unique. The ultimate antioxidant – researchers have found that it may be more powerful than vitamin E, beta-carotene and lutein. It can also enhance the action of other antioxidants, such as vitamin E and C.

Our krill oil is a high-strength formula (500mg), provided in an easy-to-swallow marine gel capsule form.

Omega 3 fatty acids Essential fatty acids (EFAs) include both omega 3 fats (high in the vital compounds DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid)) and omega 6 fats. EFAs cannot be manufactured by the body, but are beneficial for overall health and, more specifically, the brain, vision, heart health, immune function, mood support and metabolism. Therefore, they must be obtained from our diet. In a perfect world, we would all be able to get enough EFAs from the fresh fish we eat. Unfortunately, as a result of environmental pollution and poor eating habits, this is now no longer a reality. Studies show that eating fish can potentially expose you to a high degree of contamination with industrial pollutants and toxins like mercury, PCBs, heavy metals and radioactive poisons. Krill oil provides a unique means of supplying the body with antioxidants, phospholipids and omega 3 oils simultaneously. What’s more, it boasts antioxidants not seen in fish or cod liver oil. Unlike other fish oils, krill oil carries omega 3s in the form of phospholipids – liposomes that deliver the fatty acids directly to the body’s cells.

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